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Exactly How To Soften Hard Gummy Bears – I Test 4 Methods

There’s nothing worse than reaching for your pack of gummy bears only to discover they’re as hard as rocks. 

To help anyone facing this exact situation, I’ve experimented with four different ways of softening gummy bears to find the fastest, easiest, and most effective ways.

Ready? Let’s jump right in.

A note on my experiment

I tested softening my hard gummy bears:

  • In the microwave
  • Using bread
  • By soaking them
  • By sitting on them

The microwave works fine for a short-term solution. Soaking them or using bread are great longer-term fixes but they may not get you soft gummy bears quickly enough.

Sitting on them is a great on-the-go solution.

Softening hard gummy bears in the microwave

To soften gummy bears in the microwave, spread them out on a microwave-safe plate and heat them for 5 seconds at a time until they’re soft. Eat them right away before they go hard again!

Softening your gummy bears this way is a quick and easy solution, but it can quickly go horribly wrong.

Be absolutely certain that you don’t overdo it, or you may never get that plate back to normal. 

If those gummy bears melt…all the gods in the world won’t help you get it clean again.

Make sure when you’re putting them on the plate that you spread them out. 

This will ensure they heat evenly and don’t stick together.

My verdict

When I don’t have the time or desire to wait, the microwave works well. 

The only problem is that the gummy bears don’t stay soft for long enough.

Softening hard gummy bears using bread

You can soften hard gummy bears by putting them in an airtight container with a slice of fresh bread. Wait 12-24 hours for the gummy bears to absorb the moisture in the bread, then enjoy soft, fresh gummy bears.

Make sure you use fresh bread with this method. 

If the bread is stale, it won’t have any moisture to transfer!

You can also use other water-rich fruits and vegetables. Try orange peel, carrots, cucumber sticks, or an apple slice. 

Just be aware that these options can transfer their flavor to the gummy bears.

My verdict

This method isn’t great for when you want gummy bears right away.

But if you’re willing to wait, it’s the best option.

Don’t leave them too long though or the bread can go moldy!

Softening hard gummy bears by soaking them

One way to soften hard gummy bears is to soak them in water (or alcohol). Fill a bowl with tepid water and put in your gummy bears. Wait until they turn soft, then allow them to dry on a wire rack before re-packaging them. 

The temperature of the water is a crucial part of the process. 

It needs to be just warm, verging on cold.

Too hot and your gummy bears will melt. If that water is too cold, the gummies won’t hydrate as well. 

If you’re not sure about the temperature, test it with one gummy bear first.

If you want some lightly alcohol-infused gummy bears (gummy bear shots are real), try soaking them in vodka or another alcohol. 

For this method, put your gummies in an airtight bowl, pour enough alcohol to cover the surface, then put them in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours.

My verdict

The gummies melted on my first attempt, but once I got the temperature right they did become a lot softer pretty fast.

Keep an eye on the gummy bears because before you know it they’ll have doubled in size!

Softening hard gummy bears by sitting on them

Soften hard gummy bears by putting them in a freezer bag and sitting on them until they’re soft. You can also put them under your arms or between your legs. 

If you don’t like the idea of armpit gummies, you can also put them on or near something warm like a heater. 

Or leave them in your car on a sunny day!

My verdict

I like this method for an easy on-the-go fix. If you’re strapping in for a long road trip, there’s no easier way to get your gummy bears soft.

I guess the only disadvantage is having slightly squished gummies.

How to store gummy bears

To keep your gummy bears fresh, store them in a cool, dry place. If you’ve opened the original package, you can store them in a Ziploc bag or another airtight container for up to a year. If you live in a warm climate, or your gummies are homemade, keep them in the fridge or freezer. 

They will last up to 4 weeks in the fridge, and pretty much forever in the freezer.

Another tip for homemade gummies is to coat them lightly with cornstarch or icing sugar before storing them to keep them from sticking together.

Can you freeze gummy bears?

You can easily freeze your gummy bears to help them last longer or keep them from melting in hot climates. Storing them in the freezer properly can preserve your gummy bears at their best quality for up to 12 months.

How to freeze gummy bears:

  1. Place gummy bears in an airtight container like a sealed bowl or Ziploc bag.
  2. Label and date your gummy bears so you know how long they’ve been stored.
  3. Store in the freezer for up to 12 months to enjoy them at their best.

Gummy bears don’t “freeze,” but stay chilled to avoid moisture loss, melting, and bacteria growth. 

Let them “thaw” in the fridge or on the counter to eat them at normal temperature, or enjoy them cold. 

You can even put your cold gummies in a sprite or alcoholic drink for a flavorful, gummy-chilled beverage.

How To Soften HardnGummy Bears

In this short recipe, I show you the best way to revive and soften your stale gummy bears.
4.67 from 3 votes
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: soften gummy bears
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes
Servings: 1 person
Calories: 396kcal


  • 1 portion gummy bears
  • 1 slice bread


Microwave them

  • To soften gummy bears in the microwave, spread them out on a microwave-safe plate and heat them for 5 seconds at a time until they’re soft. Eat them right away before they go hard again!

Using bread

  • You can soften hard gummy bears by putting them in an airtight container with a slice of fresh bread. Wait 12-24 hours for the gummy bears to absorb the moisture in the bread, then enjoy soft, fresh gummy bears.

Soak them in water

  • One way to soften hard gummy bears is to soak them in water (or alcohol). Fill a bowl with tepid water and put in your gummy bears. Wait until they turn soft, then allow them to dry on a wire rack before re-packaging them. 

Sit on them

  • Soften hard gummy bears by putting them in a freezer bag and sitting on them until they’re soft. You can also put them under your arms or between your legs. 
    If you don’t like the idea of armpit gummies, you can also put them on or near something warm like a heater. 
    Or leave them in your car on a sunny day!


Serving: 100g | Calories: 396kcal

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